Friday 26 October 2012


"Aaaarrrghhh!!!! penatnyeee...lab report banyak giler..ada 4 kuiz..proposal FYP...kena masuk lab FYP..ade finishing school sabtu dan ahad... exhausted..!!!! I want my old life back.."
nie la ape aku rasa saat nie dan sebelum-sebelum nie..aku rasa nak balek rumah jumpa mak, tido sebelah mak, tengok TV dengan mak je.. :( tapi ape boleh buat..kerja kena selesaikan jugak..aku rasa mata aku tak mampu untuk berkelip lagi..nauzubillah! 

My life is getting worse day by day since I'm being a final year student..first I feel proud of it but when I start my's like a shit! no life, no smile, no fun..!! always had an assignment, lab report every week..since my lecturer like to give us some question till I forgot about it and I just know it will be sent by tomorrow morning...damn! (minah nie dah bebel english pulak dah)

aku ada satu masalah yang perlu diselesaikan..agak-agak tahu tak nama compound nie?? 

ape nama compound nie?? :(

kerja aku sepanjang minggu ke-5 dan ke-6:
1) lab report inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, thermodynamic
2) test 1 inorganic chemistry including journal, organic chemistry, thermo, electrochemistry
3) proposal FYP, lab FYP
4) question from thermo, organic and inorganic chemistry ( can't remember)
5) Finishing school (compulsory)
6) new thing TOCIE (compulsory)

konon la stress tapi buat muka comel..blah la kau..
waktu tengah tulis blog nie aku tengah siapkan lab report inorganic chemistry dan edit propoal FYP..aku tak tau nak buat yang mane satu dulu..hahaha..kena ada tangan macam squidward nie (btol ke eja?) actually mata aku dah kuyu, kepala dah pening (sambil tengok katil) ok..aku patot tido sekarang!!! selamat malam...

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